
Our expertise in data allows us to provide innovative insights for organisations across the supply chain, helping them become more efficient and sustainable.

We have a range of flexible solutions giving our customers the power of information at their fingertips including cutting-edge predictive tools using permissioned supply chain data, innovative algorithms and machine learning. 

These help to meet the industry’s needs for forecasting, monitoring and scenario planning across multi-sector agrifood supply chains. 

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Enhanced data integration can improve the evidence needed to baseline activities and make positive steps towards sustainable production systems.

Agricultural businesses can improve their understanding of the current position on farm, and using a data-led approach, adapt to evolving circumstances to enhance profitability and environmental performance.

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There’s a range of methods for gathering compliance data, whether it be on-farm assessors, information provided remotely, or outcome data collected from existing sources. Our products are designed to capture this in a detailed but simple manner.

Using our data capabilities, we can provide intelligent, risk-based auditing tools.

With years of experience in the assurance sector, and using data captured remotely to highlight the risks for organisations, our products ensure that farm assurance is an on-going process, not a snap-shot, providing rigour and minimising the risk of non-compliance. 

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